
My Fall Wishlist

Fall's soon a-coming and I want... things. Fashion and decor things. I probably don't need them and definitely can not afford them. But I decided to spend my time on a post and this little image below anyway. 
i want: 1|2|3|4|5
one: Jensen Wood Turntable. Is this amazing or what? It also has a stereo output jack and a radio (!) Can I get an amen?

two: Free People Patched Skinny Jeans. This is a much better distressed than what is currently in. The patches are perfectly thrifty chic and the fit of the skinny calf looks fabulous. I love these patched skinnies!

three: 130 Denier Houndstooth Tights. Wonderful, yes? Yes. These FAB-MAZING tights would totally quirk up that rain coat. And with a plain uniform skirt? Yes, please.

four: Dr. Martens 1460. Durable and classic. And they toughen up and girly outfit, such as a floral dress.

five: Via Spiga Double Breasted Patent Rain Slicker. Normally I hate the look of patent, but this slicker won me over. It drew me.. to.. the ... dark.. side! Haha just kidding, but I really am loving that patent. And the double breast. They create an extremely nice effect.
xoxo Ife


  1. Perhaps there is some kindly relative of yours living far to the west of you who might procure one of those items for you.

    1. That would be absolutely amazing. *hint hint* I would really like the Doc Martens and/or record player with some Aerosmith and Beatles LPs. Just saying


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