
Stick to it.. and learn how to make white glue

I told y'all about my room make-over in this post. I haven't been able to find a cheap or free dresser so I've put that project on hold in favor of a project that will take less time: customizing my switch-plates and outlet covers! I liked the one with the pages of books and it looked relatively easy, so I said, "Why not?". I decided I would post a how to with how it worked out for me, so I went and gathered materials, only to find that I had no white glue. I was going to give up, but I decided I would find out how to make my own white glue. And I'll share how to do it with my lovely and faithful readers. So here's how:

  1. Materials: coffee filter, baking soda, vinegar (I used apple cider), milk, measuring cup, tablespoon, and two bowls or cups
  2. Measure out 1/4 cup of milk and pour it into a bowl
  3. Add 1 tablespoon of vinegar to the milk
  4. Mix it until it starts to curdle (For about 1 minute)
  5. Put a coffee filter into the second bowl and pour the curdled milk into it. What I think is vinegar will drain and you will be left with what it apparently "whey" after about an hour (it took 50 minutes for me)
  6. Pick up the coffee filter, hold it in one hand while you attempt to rinse out the bowl you just used or get a new bowl and scoop the whey into it. Add a pinch of baking soda and stir it up. If you don't get desirable results check out this site for tips.
I hope you got great glue! Maybe use it to make a custom switch-plate. Does this Spark an Idea? (If you don't get this reference, open up any article on Ehow.)
Until next time, 
xoxo Ife

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