

As you probably know, today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. I think it is his birthday or something like that. Anyway, today is probably going to be a blah-fest since I have school off. Hey, at least I have my awesome sister! So, another lame challenge, so I am going to pick one I can blog more about. Let's see... I'll do 15 facts about me.

1)I'm a huge procrastinator
2)I hate when text over uses exclamation marks
3)I use parentheses a lot
4)My room is painted purple
5)I'm afraid of the dark, bugs, and heights. And I'm claustrophobic.
6)That last face probably made me sound like a wimp, so here's a more "tough" fact: hold on, here it comes: never mind, I guess I'm a softie
7)I have a huge sweet tooth
8)I really am a softie because I feel guilty so easily
9)I snore. Loudly. It's really embarrassing, so I try not to fall asleep in class.
10)I am a huge techie(ironically the monitor I blog from is a dinosaur; more than a foot deep)
11)I'm having trouble coming up with 15 facts about me
12)Yesterday I was rooting for the Ravens because, although I live in Texas, I was born in Maryland and I started watching after halftime, and the Ravens were winning
13)I usually go for the underdogs, but yesterday, you know, I had to be loyal
14)I love Google products. I have an Android phone, use Google Chrome, hate searching on Bing and Yahoo, use Gmail, and really want a ChromeBook.
15)I like strange YouTube videos.
16)I know, too many facts. This is my last one. I love learning and sharing useless factoids.
The random YouTube video of today.
If you  have more time. And enjoy awkward humor. 

Useless Factoid(s) of The Day That You May or May Not Have Known
  1. "Blog" is short for weblog.
  2. Banana "trees" are not really trees. They are the world's largest herb.
  3. The word "herb" can be pronounced erb or herb. With or without the "h". I say it without, because it sounds cooler.
I'll post the photo challenge later, because I don't feel like going out right now. Oh and that's a hint!

TTYL, as you young people say. Although I am one of you. Good day, good sirs and madams, as would be said in medieval times. Although they didn't have computers or the World Wide Web. We'll just ignore that fact though (cheeky smile)

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