
School After a 3-Day Weekend :(

Today was pretty good. No drama or anything. I probably won't be posting very much this week. Sorry if I got your hopes up and crushed them down. I know you guys love my posting :). So today's "challenge" is my idea of a perfect first date.Well, I'm a simple gal: going to the movies, maybe pizza later. Movies are perfect, because you can talk (not really, but you know) or not if it's awkward or you don't feel comfortable. Or something really romantic like a trip to the beach, picnic, starlit walk on the shore. That kind of thing. Cliche, I know. But the beach is awesome! Except for all the sand. The benefits outweigh the costs, so it's totally worth it. Do you guys use new lingo? Well I don't really know if it's new, but words like "fabu", "totes", "oh my friggy friggy gosh" like Greggy from Cake Boss: Next Great Baker, season one. I think he was an.... interesting contestant. But Buddy was so mean to them! And I hated how he came in before the time was up. Anyway, I feel like I am droning on and on about something you don't really care about. The photo challenge was to take a picture of the shadow of anything. I tried to make a shadow-dog, but it didn't turn out so well. What it is is open for interpretation. 

Random Youtube Video for Today: the Duck Song
Terrible animations, I know, but it's so cute.
Comment. Tell your friends about it. Make friends if you don't have any so you can tell them about. Take a milk bath like Cleopatra. Subscribe. Follow. Share on Facebook. Make a Facebook or Twitter account if you don't have one so you can share it. Stuff cheese up your nose. (I underlined and bolded that because it is really really really important to me. Make this little(not really) girl's dreams come true.) BYE!


  1. Booo!!! You stink!!! You are NOT awesome.

    Love, Tolu

  2. Tobi Says CHEWBACCA(:

  3. Thanks Tolu and Tobi for the support. I know your guys' true feelings though.


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